There’s no secret that my life has been a little busy lately. Five weddings in five weeks with only one in my own state. Just a little busy. So, while scrolling through Pinterest in a few moments of free time recently, I happened upon Megan Gilger’s The Fresh Exchange Blog and instantly fell in love with […]

Around the House, cooking, Entertaining

April 30, 2018

living my best life – an al fresco dining experience


Hello, estranged friends! Oh, wait, maybe I’m the estranged one… Anyways, I’m back! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may have noticed I hosted a baby shower for my sweet co-worker and friend, Stacy, in our home yesterday. Seth and I met Stacy on our very first day of work here in […]

Around the House, Entertaining

August 29, 2016

Bellow Baby Shower